KEGEL Exercises For Men

How to Do Kegel Exercises for Men: A Definitive Guide to Male Kegeling

Kegel Infographics

What Are Kegel Exercises for Men?

The Kegel was discovered by Dr. Arnold Kegel in the 1940s to help women tighten their vaginas after giving birth. However, Kegels aren’t just for women — you can do Kegel exercises for men.

Kegel exercises for men are a great way to improve the overall health and hardness of their penis, along with increasing your ability to last longer in bed. Just like with women, Kegels for men have one primary goal — strengthen your pubococcygeus (PC) muscle (also known as the pelvic floor muscle.) You can learn more about the pelvic floor muscles in our article – The Anatomy of the Pelvic Floor.

Pelvic floor muscles

The pelvic floor muscles.

This muscle is very similar in both men and women, as it stretches from the tail bone up to the pubic bone, creating a hammock-like muscle floor. The PC muscles support the pelvic organs, assisting the sphincter muscle functions.

The Kegel is different from all the other penile exercises in that it actually contracts and strengthens real skeletal muscles – your pelvic floor muscles.

What are the Benefits of Kegel Exercises for Men?

The Kegel is just as beneficial for men wanting to improve their sex lives, as women. Yet, for one reason or another, most men skip out on the Kegel because it’s the only penis exercise that doesn’t directly enlarge the penis. However, Kegel exercises for men have a wide range of other benefits, some of which can cure problems or indirectly enlarge the penis. These benefits include:

  • Healthier pelvic floor muscles, thanks to Kegels, gives you a more erect erection.

kegel exercises for men benefits

Kegel exercises for men benefits include improved erection angle.

  • Kegels will help you have harder erections that last longer, thanks to the improvement of penile blood flow.
  • Kegels will help you increase ejaculation force and volume, giving you the most explosive orgasms you’ve ever had.
  • Kegels indirectly enlarge the penis, through increased blood flow.
  • Kegels can help you control your ability to orgasm, giving you greater sexual stamina.
  • Kegels can help cure urinary incontinence, as these are the same muscles that help support and control your bladder.
  • Many men report after Kegeling for while that they no longer have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom as they once did.
  • Kegels can help you have a healthier prostate and are used in the treatment of prostate pain and swelling, due to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
  • Kegels are also used for the treatment of prostate pain and swelling due to prostatitis — inflammation of the prostate.
  • Kegels can prevent  prolapsed pelvic organs.

Many doctors, sexual experts, and websites refer to Kegel exercises for men as the “Sexercise” for all the benefits it provides. And it’s true — with all of these benefits, every guy should be Kegeling every single day.


How do I do a Kegel Exercise for Men?

Kegels are a great penis exercise for several reasons. Not only do they have all of the benefits we talked about above, but they’re easy to do and you can do them almost anywhere. People won’t even know you’re doing them!

  1. Find Your Pelvic Floor Muscles – Finding the PC muscle is easy. The next time you’re urinating, stop or slow your pee mid-flow. The muscles used to stop urinating is your PC muscle. Don’t actually tense legs, abdomen or butt cheek muscles, instead focus on lifting your entire pelvic floor upward. Most importantly, continue to breathe through the contraction of your pelvic floor. If you’re able to stop or slow your urine in mid-stream, you’ve just successfully located and contracted your pelvic floor muscles! If you’re having a hard time, it’s the same set of muscles you use to tighten your anus. Now you’re ready to Kegel.
  2. Contract Your Pelvic Floor Muscles – When you’re ready to do Kegel exercises for men, the first thing you need to do is contract your pelvic floor muscles.
  3. Hold the Kegel Contraction – Hold that contraction for as long as you can. Most men can’t hold a Kegel at first for no more than a couple of seconds. Some may not be able to hold it at all. That’s OK, that’s what penis exercises are for – to make you stronger! Make a note of how long you can hold the Kegel.
  4. Release the Kegel Contraction and Repeat – Release the squeeze and repeat, for ten repetitions. Gradually build up your Kegels until you can hold them for 10 seconds each.

When you perform the exercise correctly, you should be able to feel or see your testicles lift.  This takes time for some men.  But, if you practice the routine regularly, you should notice an improvement in your pelvic floor muscle strength, in 4-6 weeks.

The best part about the Kegel is that it doesn’t require any assistance from your hands or legs. You can do Kegel exercises for men anywhere, anytime — whether it’s in a car, watching TV, standing in line at the grocery store, or even while you’re at work.

How Often Should I Kegel? Your Kegel Exercises for Men Routine

As with any other type of exercise, it’s better to start off slowly and build up your routine. Here are our recommendations, to get you started Kegeling for better sexual health.

  • For the first few weeks: Do 50 Kegels every other day. Each Kegel should be contracted for one to five seconds, depending on the strength of your PC muscle. The first time you Kegel, it probably won’t last much longer than a second or two. With more exercise and experience, your PC muscle will become much stronger and your Kegel exercises for men will last much longer.
  • Over time: Gradually incorporate more Kegels into your routine.  Work up to five to ten minutes a day, four days a week.  This should be fairly easy to do, since you can do Kegel exercises for men anywhere, anytime.  Many penis exercisers do them on their morning commute to work, for example. Eventually, spice it up and try holding your Kegels for as long as possible.

Can Kegels Help Me Become Multi-Orgasmic?

Yes! Kegel exercises for men can help you become multi-orgasmic! Once your PC muscle is strong, you’ll have the ability to stop yourself from ejaculating.  To do this, you’ll need to be able to hold a tight Kegel contraction for at least 10 seconds. Once you can do that, try the following method for delaying ejaculation:

  • Kegel right before you hit the “point of no return” – the point where semen starts moving through your penis and ejaculation is inevitable.
  • Hold the contraction for roughly 10 seconds or more.
  • After the urge to ejaculate has gone away, release the Kegel.

The hard part is building up your PC muscle so it’s strong enough to withstand the pressure of ejaculating. Accordingly, learning this process may actually take you anywhere from a few weeks to months to even years. Many men report that learning exactly when to do Kegel exercises for men is another hard part of the process. This part can take practice, patience, and a lot of attempts (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing), but is well worth the end result. Read our full article on The Multiple Male Orgasm, for more details.

Kegel Exercises for Men Tips

  • Kegels and penis enlargement: Kegeling while doing Jelqs, stretches, or any penile exercise promotes more blood flow to the penis.  In turn, this often enhances the effectiveness of each exercise.  So once you get the hang of kegeling, combine Kegels exercises for men with your other exercises.
  • Kegels exercises aren’t just for men: Kegels can be done by both men and women. Teach your partner to do Kegels and greatly add pleasure to your sexual experience. If a woman squeezes her PC muscle (i.e, kegels) during intercourse, her vagina tightens — increasing the pleasure for everyone involved!
  • Kegel exercises for men and premature ejaculation: “Uh-Oh, I am coming too quickly. . . What did I do?” Some men find themselves ejaculating quicker than normal when they first start kegeling. If this happens to you, be sure that you’re relaxing your PC muscle while having sex. Many penile exercisers find that once they learn how to do Kegel exercises for men, they’re unconsciously kegeling during sex. This quickly drains the strength of the PC muscle. This beginner kegeling side effect typically passes in just a few weeks time – and you’ll be able to last even longer in the bedroom once you get over it. The stronger your PC muscle, through performing Kegel exercises for men, the easier it is to stop yourself from ejaculating altogether.

Is It Possible to Overtrain with Kegel Exercises for Men?

As with all penis exercises, you don’t want to overtrain. It may be tempting to do as much as you possibly can at first, in hopes of seeing results faster. However, this is usually counterproductive.

Like a bodybuilder who overworks their muscles and is either too sore or injures themselves and can’t continue to workout, Kegel exercises for men are very similar. Overtrain and you’ll do more damage than good. Listen to your body. Give your body time to heal and recuperate. Progress slowly and you’ll reap all the rewards Kegels have to offer!

Franchiseur Golden Rules & Principles


Franchiseur: a women collector who seeks to have sex (oral and/or vaginal, anal) with as many women as possible.


Performeur: a Franchiseur aiming to perform at its best to make himself unforgettable for his sexual partners.treat-her-like-a-princess-fuck-her-like-a-pornstar

Pèlerin: a sex monger seeking sexual partners all across the world.

sex tourist whore monger Pattaya Thailand


In my view, just like in the animal kingdom, an Alpha Male shall collect female booties.

ALPHA MALE - The strongest, most dominant male has the exclusive right to mate with all the females.
ALPHA MALE – The strongest, most dominant male has the exclusive right to mate with all the females.

A Franchiseur is indeed a women collector who seeks to have sex with as many women as possible. But there are some Rules to follow and some Principles to live by.


The Franchiseur Golden RULES to follow



Someone_Like_You_film-Old Cow Syndrome Ashley Judd
The ‘Old Cow Syndrome’ is explored in detail by the fantastically hot Ashley Judd in the movie ‘Someone Like You’.

Which I call “Le Syndrome de la vieille vache” in French. Simple, a bull NEVER fuck the same cow twice no matter what, as you always should.

I was foolish enough to not follow this principle twice and I’ve paid the dear price.



Protect yourself at all time

Don’t try to sneak your way in without glad (condom). Always wear a condom during vaginal and anal intercourses. A shameful disease can make you reconsiders your favorite hobby.



Pedobear - I fought the law and the law won

The single most important rule for obvious reason. The only rule that you should follow.

No matter where you are in the world. Do not mess with this rule.

No matter the legal age of consent in your locality. Aim for 18 years old and one day.

No matter how old she looks, how sweet and easy her pussy is. Run aways from this if she isn’t over 18. Remember, you could have a fantastic legal over 18 girl for $200 an hour.

Forget the jailbaits! They can put you on the front page and in jail.



keep record the good old fashion way pad n pencil

What’s the point in fucking all the women if you can’t remember them? “La Liste” is the most important in a Franchiseur life.

Start keeping records early on because after 20 or 30 it will harder to remember your sex partners. Note each sex partners on ‘Physique’ & ‘Performance’ on 10.00.

If it wasn’t to garnish “La Liste” I wouldn’t have interest in having sex at all. Garnish your “Liste” should be the driving fuel of any Franchiseur.



worlds-luckiest-man-101-porncovers (1)

Aim to have sex with women of every race, hair color, body type, age, etc… I’ve never understood what was the point in always screwing the exact same kind of women (clones) over and over again???



Stay single

What’s the point in fucking anything that move if you are in a serious relationship?

It is not about breaking hearts, it’s about having fun.



Hear no evil see no evil speak no evil post no evil

“Discrétion c’est mon deuxieme nom meme si mes brides rock la nation.”  — PYGOD

I like to entertain people with endless stories of the whores I’d paid to fuck with. But I shut the fuck up about the legit straight (non-prostitute) women that I had sex with. Just a question of respect and to not burn yourself as a loud mouth that will discourage women to have sex with.

Everybody knows I’m proud to be a self-advertised porn addict, a notorious prostitute fucker and a straight to the point man-whore. And I can tell you that a lot of “almost” virgin nice girls wet their panties for an oversexed tattooed bad boy. But I never disclose the name of the straight girls I have on My List. No need to brag when you have nothing to prove!

My suggestion: do not burn yourself by bragging about fucking a married housewife or the nice shy girl at your work.


STAY SOBERstay sober to fuck well

You don’t want to risk a misperformance or even worse forgetting your night. You don’t wanna be too drunk to fuck.




You sell a product, yourself. So aim to be at your best. If you look nice and clean you will be more confident which will improve your Game.

Even if you pay for sex you don’t need to smell like old shit and your crotch doesn’t need to look like a banzai tree. Make it fun for the hooker, she’s a woman after all.



Some advanced PRINCIPLES for high-level Franchiseurs only.



President JFK Kennedy Austin Powers womanizer

“No woman were out of reach for Jack, not your wife, not your sister, not even your mother.” – his friend Senator George Smathers

Personally, I’ve never applied this principle since I have some moral issues with it. Or maybe, just maybe, I wasn’t given the opportunity?

Unlike JFK you don’t need to fuck your best friend’s wife. Just be a Predator. President Kennedy was always on the hunt and saw every woman as a potential “victim”.



Zohan enjoys fucking grannies and having untrimmed genital hair
Zohan enjoys fucking grannies and having untrimmed genital hair

For those who don’t know, Zohan (Adam Sandler) is an Israeli commando turned hairstylist screwing every old ladies in town. The Zohan Principle is simple. You should have sex or at least try to have sex with anything that got a pussy and two boobs, ugly old skank included.

Despite the fact that I’m very easily available to most women. I should say that I’ve never followed this principle to the Zohan extreme.

Ideally, the Perfect Franchiseur should be able to please all the willing women he encounters. Yikes!

The moral of the story. You don’t need to fuck ugly skanks to be a Premiere Franchiseur. Just don’t be too picky! You need variety on your “List”.



Malcolm X By any means necessary

Malcolm X wasn’t a Franchiseur (serial fucker) as far as I know. But he said one of the most stunning, important and meaningful quotes ever said. “By any means necessary.” This citation can apply to anything in life.

Your goal here isn’t the noble cause of the advancement of the civil rights for black people. No! Your goal is to have sex with as many women as humanly possible! The easier the better!

“By any means necessary.” means tell them bullshit, pay them, do whatever the fuck necessary to have sex with them. No need to mention in a consensual way.



This principle isn’t about Pierre Lalonde, an old French Canadian crooner who had his fair share of pussy in his prime. It is more about the concept of the show he animated between 1986-1991. A show that starred, each week, a nobody artist wannabe for a entire hour.  Star d’un Soir can roughly be translated as My One-Night Star.

This is where the very important word Performeur takes all his meaning. If you follow the Old Cow Syndrome you will fuck the girl just once. So give her your best, give her all you have and make this moment unique and unforgettable for her. Her pleasure is your pleasure.

  • Treat her like a princess.
  • Make her feel special.
  • Eat her like a champ.
  • Fuck her like a beast.
  • And she will be yours forever.


I hope that the above guidelines will inspire all wanna-be and consummate Franchiseurs, players, serial fuckers, playboys, womanizers, whoremongers, sex addicts to have sex with each of the 3.52 billion women in the world.

P.S. (The above Rules and Principles also stands for libertine gay people and hot-blooded women who are interested in collecting booties.)
