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Originally published on: by Harper’s Bazaard Staff

We asked Dr. Nancy Simpkins, and internist and medical consultant for the state of New Jersey who works with libido issues in women during pregnancy, menopause and depression,  what to know about sex drive.

women libido secrets

1) The more testosterone, the higher the libido. “Men have larger amounts of testosterone than women, but interestingly, younger women have large amounts of circulating testosterone compared to older menopausal women, which is thought to contribute to women’s decreased sex drive with age.”

2) Women’s sex drives peak later than men. The generalization that women peak around age 32 and men around 18 is true, according to Dr. Simpkins. “Libidos are personal to each personbut it does appear that men peak at a younger age than women due to hormones.Women of childbearing age have conflicts in libido based on ovulation,pregnancy, post-partum.Young men with large amounts of testosterone areindeed peaking with their sexual desire.”

3) There’s no such thing as aphrodisiac foods. No food has been proven to increase libido, so you can skip the oysters, although “perhaps it’s the idea of a nice dinner out and relaxing that helps,” she says.

4) But a diet of foods that increase your circulation increase your libido. Incorporate heart-healthy and antioxidant-rich foods like salmon, strawberries, blueberries, asparagus, beans and legumes.

5) Keep to a two drink minimum. “Alcohol is bad for libido, in that it functions as a depressant to the nervous system.Having said that, if anxiety is negatively impacting your sexual health, a small amount of alcohol may help.” And anything that decreases blood flow, like smoking, is counterproductive—but you already knew that.

6) Your libido peaks during ovulation. A combination of high estrogen and testosterone during ovulation leads to a higher sexual desire, which is great if you’re trying to get pregnant, not so much otherwise.

7) Pregnancy increases libido in most women. “The basis of this increase is due to high levels of hormones in the blood. In addition, psychologically there is no worry about getting pregnant and therefore women relax and enjoy sex.”

8) Your antidepressants aren’t helping. “Most medications do not affect sexual desire with the exception of anti-depressants and there are few conclusive studies on the effect of oral contraceptives on sex drive. Some of the studies show that the pill increases sex drive and some say it lowers the sex drive. More research needs to be done and definitely speak with your doctor about all side effects.”


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A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars and their Career


Here is a very well-made and interesting study (posted in February 28, 2013) by freelance British data journalist Jon Millward. Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars and their Career.

This study was possible thanks to IAFD (Internet Adult Film Database). Holding the record of more than 120,000 porn films and 115,000 adult performers, IAFD is in fact the be all end all of porn Wikipedia.

Here are some of the juiciest stats founded in the study. Some of them break the myth and stereotype that all Porn Stars are blonde bimbos with DD fake tits.

Shyla Stylez stereotypical Porn Star
Shyla Stylez is not your average Porn Star.
  • 61.6% of female Porn Stars are dark haired (black or brown) versus 32.7% blonde and 5.3% redhead.
  • 34B is the most common bra size. Double D ranks in 4th position behind B, C, and D.
  • 5’5″ is the average female Porn Star height.
  • 117 lbs is the average female Porn Star weight.
  • 34-24-34 are the average female Porn Stars measurements.
  • 70.5% of female Porn Stars are Caucasian. 14% are Black. 9.3% are Latin. 5.2% are Asian. 1% other.
  • 42% of female Porn Stars have a tattoo.
  • 40% of female Porn Stars have a body piercing
  • 22 years old is the average age a woman gets into Porn.
  • 3 years is the average career length of a female Porn Star.
  • 19 movies is the average number of film in which a female Porn Star appears.
  • 33 years old is the average MILF age. 20% are 20-25 years old. 7% are over 40. 4% are over 50.
  • Nikki Lee are the most common female Porn Stars name and surname.
  • David Lee are the most common male porn star name and surname.



Tom Byron is the most prolific porn star of all time.
Tom Byron is the most prolific porn star of all time. Had sex with 1,127 different Women in 2549 films in his 30-year career. (early 2013 stats) An average of 37.56 Women a year.
  • 1,127 different Women had sex with Tom Byron, the most prolific male porn star, who starred in 2549 films in his 30-year career.
  • 199 different men had sex with Nina Hartley, the most prolific female Porn Star, who starred in 938 films in her 28-year career.
  • The 10 most prolific male porn stars had sex with an average of 1,013 Women each over an average career length of 22.4 years. An average of 45 different Women per year.
  • The 10 most prolific female Porn Stars had sex with an average of 148 men over an average career length of 17.7 years. An average of 8 different men per year.
  • Of the 100 most prolific porn stars of all time (the ones who starred in the most films), 96 are men.




The average female Porn Star face