Snooki & JWOWW lesbian couple

Snooki & JWOWW consider life together as a lesbian couple. Watch!

SnookiJWOWW-kissSnooki & JWOWW had barely exchanged hellos at the “Shore” house before they were getting frisky with each other in the hot tub, and almost five years later, the fire’s still burning. They may be as close as sisters, but in the fan Q&A below, Jenni admits that she’d happily leave Roger for Snooks if she were so inclined to switch teams.

“Clearly we’re in love…madly in love,” she says in response to a rather personal question from Facebook member Karoline. Nicole is in wholehearted agreement, and notes her preference for lipstick lesbians over the “boy lesbians” (proper definition: “looks like a dude, but she’s got a vagina”). When Jenni ups the ante on the discussion by revealing that she’d “do” her best friend, Nicole promptly reminds her that she already has.
